I'm fairly relaxed with three days to go. I'm not really under pressure with any of my modules so that is good to say the least. I am just finishing re-rendering scene three after I have made the improvements that were stated before. I did end up doing the second scene again, as I noticed I had forgotten to apply the smoke material on the superspray. Its a pain when one little thing is missing and you have to render the whole scene again!
I also searched for an alternate sound for the box opening in scene three. I settled on using a beeping sound instead, as this could well be a realistic sound when access is granted for a swipe card system.
The only problem now is finding some sound to fill the empty spaces at the start of the animation. The only sounds you hear at the moment are the sound effects like the laser and the door opening. I will have a look to find some music that fits.
The main things for me to do now are to evaluate my entire project, burn the disc, print off this blog and to have a look at some other people's work. I do sometimes get disheartened when I see other people's work, so I will do my best not to let that happen this time as I am pleased with my work this semester!
Beep 9 - http://www.soundjay.com/beep-sounds-1.html [9/04/2011]
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